New this year! In our experience, overlooking the feet of a performance horse (or any horse really!) is overlooking the entire horse. No feet; no horse. A performance assessment must begin by looking closely at the feet of a horse, including using radiographs to look within the foot. Our new Performance Plus Plan now offers radiographs of the front and hind feet. Common findings include a lack of sole depth, side to side imbalance and an improper alignment of the bony column. Dr. Daly will work closely with your farrier to develop an individualized trimming and shoeing plan for your horse to improve their comfort level and athletic performance by improving the foot’s function.

Our Plans:
Comprehensive Plan:
This is the ideal plan for most horses. It includes a full physical exam, ophthalmic exam and nutritional consultation. Also included are essential vaccinations, one fecal egg exam, as well as an oral exam with routine motorized dentistry and sedation. Annual dental exams are extremely important for horses young to old helping to ensure your horse’s comfort and performance.
Senior/Metabolic Plan:
The Senior Plan includes everything from the Comprehensive Plan with additional blood work to screen or monitor for Cushing’s disease and Insulin Resistance. Please see terms and conditions #7 for additional information.
Performance Plan:
This plan is designed for the traveling and/or performance horse. In addition to the items included in the Basic Plan, the Performance Plan includes a Coggins, bi-annual Rhino/Flu vaccinations and a comprehensive soundness evaluation. The soundness exam can be saved for a time during the year when your horse is showing indications of a lameness or poor performance. It can also be utilized when returning to competitive work after a winter off to help ensure your horse is comfortable and strong enough to perform at their highest level.
Performance Plus Plan:
In addition to all of the benefits of the performance plan, horses enrolled in our performance plus plan will have foot balance radiographs taken of the front and hind feet. Additionally, Dr. Daly will work with your farrier to develop an individualized trimming/shoeing plan to suit your horse’s specific needs. If this is the first time your horse is having radiographs of their feet, it is recommended to schedule a joint appointment with your farrier and Dr. Daly at the same time.
Rhino/Flu Vaccination Add On:
This add on is recommended for horses who travel off farm and is required for all horses in housed at boarding facilities
Comprehensive Blood Testing Add On:
Routine CBC/Chemistry profiles are now offered at a discounted price ($25 off!). All horses benefit from routine blood work, but especially those that are older, showing signs of weight loss, lethargy, changes in appetite or those that are on medication year round (such as Prascend, thyroid supplements or Equioxx).
Also Included:
1. $10 Coupon per horse
Receive a $10 coupon good for anything except trip fees. This coupon will be applied digitally to your account. It does not expire.
2. Reduced Emergency Fee:
Wellness Program Members receive a reduced rate emergency fee of $100.
3. Client Referral Program:
Word of mouth is so valuable to small businesses such as ours. Earn a $25 credit on account for every new client you refer to Mid Coast Equine as a token of our appreciation!