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Pre-Purchase Exam
Are you looking to purchase a new horse? Even if the horse is inexpensive, the "cost" of a pre-purchase exam may save you from future expenses and headaches.
Dr. Daly can identify existing and potential problems that you might not immediately see.

Every pre-purchase exam begins with a thorough physical exam. Dr. Daly will assess the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, eyes, teeth, conformation, and palpate the limbs examining for areas of current and chronic injury. The heart and lungs are listened to again after exercise to check for stress related abnormalities. During the lameness exam, the horse will be observed in-hand, on the lunge line, and if possible, over a variety of surfaces. Flexion tests are performed on the lower limbs and can help identify arthritis and inflamed joints. A motion palpation exam is performed to identify restrictions and areas of decreased range or motion.
Additional diagnostic testing are recommended as needed, and may include bloodwork, radiography, ultrasonography, and upper airway endoscopy. Dr. Daly will also evaluate the horse’s vaccination and deworming records and recommend any additional preventive care for your management methods.
While searching for a new horse is incredibly exciting, it is important to have a veterinary evaluation of the prospective horse. Buying a horse can be an expensive decision, so identifying any problems before purchase will aid you in your important decision.