Equine Dentistry
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Equine dentistry is so much more than taking down sharp points! Just as your dentist would, Dr. Daly performs a thorough oral exam looking for signs of dental disease and abnormalities. This includes checking for recessed gingiva and periodontal pocketing, signs of soft tissue trauma such as ulcers or lacerations, soft tissue abnormalities suggestive of neoplasia, spacing between teeth (diastema), teeth that are grossly taller than other teeth (steps), ​​​​displaced teeth, fractured teeth, cavities and pulp exposure.
Dental abnormalities can cause dropping of feed, weight loss, problems with the bit, and behavioral issues. They can then impact the overall health of your horse, as well as their comfort and performance under saddle. Routine dentistry is performed with motorized equipment while your horse is lightly sedated. The use of a diamond grinding disk allows for a quicker procedure for your animal. Annual examinations are recommended for most horses.

Other Dental Services
Geriatric Dentistry
Miniature Horse Dentistry
Wolf Tooth Extraction
Dental Radiographs
Used to identify infected and diseased teeth, tooth fractures, sinus disease, and tumors​​.
Extraction of Loose and Diseased Teeth
Nutrition Consultations
For a horse with severe dental disease that prohibits them from eating a normal diet.
Exam Findings
Dental abnormalities and work performed are documented ensuring the ability to track your horses progress over subsequent visits. A complete copy of the exam is given to the owner at completion of the appointment.